Park 12
Location: Bellevue, Washington
Scope: Landscape architecture
Size: 2 acres
Program: Outdoor gathering areas, a small amphitheater, a community dining courtyard, a loop trails and large renaturalized areas.
Description: Located in Bellevue, the site is adjacent to Kelsey Creek and as part of the development, a large portion of the site was designated as a wildlife conservation area that will be protected from future development. Over the years the site had become degraded with debris and a variety of different invasive species, GCH developed plans to restore the existing riparian corridor that serves as a migratory stream for both salmon and trout. Native plant materials are utilized throughout the site and habitat structures are to be installed for mason bees, birds and bats. The development will include outdoor gathering areas, a small amphitheater, a community dining courtyard and a loop trails.